S&S Engines (Evo Style)

S&S Engines (Evo Style)

EVO® Style Engines: In our experience S&S engines are the only ones to use. For years the epitome of high grade EVO® Style engines, which are extremely robust thanks to their improved technology. They even have up to 3 years warranty! (Parts replacement)
This is made possible by the pre-fitted, adaptive "IST" ignition. This ensures that the revs are kept low to protect the engine during the run in period. Only after this run in period is the full rev range then available.
Available in aluminium finish, black chrome or polished.
The bike’s heart is supplied fully assembled complete with carburetor, "IST" ignition, certification & detailed instructions.
Daily Price:
S&S engines are directly imported. To ensure you get the best price we use the actual dollar exchange rate on the day of ordering.